Dear Younger Me,

I want to give you an essential truth. If I had known it at your age, it would have transformed the way I lived. Please receive it and believe it. Your life will not be the same:

The Father, Son, and Spirit are always good, always kind, and always loving. God will never, ever forsake you or stop loving you. 

Even though this was my theology, it was not my lived belief system.

Here is what will happen when you integrate the truth of God’s love and constant presence in your heart and mind:

You will realize that Love is freely given, not earned. The same is true of the gospel of grace. It is about receiving, not earning. You can avoid tireless efforts to earn God’s love and acceptance from people. And since love is not earned, it cannot be lost or revoked.

You will live with the understanding that God’s desire is for your fellowship, not your works. He created you a son for sonship, not servanthood. Stay at the table of fellowship with Him, living as the true son you are. There is no need to labor in the field to earn His approval or acceptance.

You will know that making a mistake does not reduce your value. You won’t need to fear failure. You will embrace perceived failure as an opportunity to learn more about the goodness, kindness, and love of God. In fact, it provides an opportunity to trust Him for your righteousness and His steadfast closeness. 

You will know that in failure the Father is the safest person to be with. There is no need to escape into a world of working and earning to gain back His love and approval.

You will understand that being honest with yourself and other men IS freedom. Trusting God in the midst of your struggle and attractions is the objective. Nothing can separate you from the God who loves you with an everlasting love. Live in the security of that. You can NEVER be a disappointment to the God who created you and loves you fully, completely, and unconditionally.

You will have the revelation that God extends invitations rather than demanding obligations, and every one of God’s invitations is for your good, to prosper you and give you His Life.

When you believe the truth that God is always good, kind, and loving, that His love for you and presence with you will never be withdrawn, you will flourish in the life God designed for you.

There is so much in store for you. God is with you and I am cheering you on. Receive our love.
