When I finally decided I was open to the idea of marriage and family, I wondered if it was even possible. I searched for evidence from both my past and present that might give me confidence. I found some. I also found lots of evidence to snuff out the idea. If I could give some advice to my younger self, I’d tell him to look to his future instead for proof of viability.

The former me who had no desire to even kiss a girl might have waived off a flourishing marriage and three spirited children if he had not allowed himself to glimpse that future possibility with a mustard seed of belief. God worked powerfully in me to shorten the gap between a reasonable life and the life I envisioned. I could step into that future rather than strain to reach it.

The future is unwritten. I limit it when I project the experiences and patterns of my past upon the years to come. I can imagine a future me who is more vivid and real than my dim interpretations of my past self. Even my present destructive patterns fade in light of my imagined future. What if it never comes true? I can live with it. When I believe I am a person who could be the family man, leader, and creator I envision, I stand up straighter in the present. I see opportunities that I may otherwise overlook. I cheer other people on.

When I considered writing and coaching, I envisioned myself sharing stories of transformation and inspiring men to reach their potential by living authentically. That image had to be real for me. Otherwise, the daily route to my 9-5 job, email inbox, and comfort zone would compel me to play it safe and continue life as I knew it. Those routines could have easily kept me in the status quo if I had not grounded my present self in the vision of my future self.

Author and lecturer Werner Erhard said, “Create your future from the future.” This profound statement means that our future should be shaped by our future aspirations, dreams, and goals rather than our past. It encourages us to envision the future we want and take actions aligned with that vision.

As believers in Christ, what is most certain is our future with Him. Our memories of the past, our beliefs of current limitations, and our worries and hopes for tomorrow all pale in comparison. As a person who valued certainty above all else, I am puzzled that my focus wasn’t on the firm foundation of that future more often. Our faith assures us that we have a hopeful and prosperous future. Recognizing this is a powerful motivator to live each day purposefully and intentionally.

Below are some tools to live from your future self:

Visualize Future Success

Spend 5-10 minutes each morning visualizing your future self. Imagine the details of your life as you envision it and let that vision guide your day. As God to guide you in it and to allow you to encounter Him there. 

Journal as Your Future Self

Write journal entries from the perspective of your future self. Describe a typical day, your thoughts, feelings, and what you have achieved.

Set Future-Driven Goals

Identify specific goals that align with your vision. Break them down into actionable steps that you can start working on today.

Practice Future-Oriented Decision Making

When faced with choices, ask yourself, “What would my future self do?” Let that guide your decisions and actions.

Let Obstacles Trigger Your New Identity 

Let obstacles remind you of your commitment to your identity and vision. When an obstacle comes your way, say “Here is an obstacle. Who am I as my true self, complete in Christ? With that in mind, how will I respond to this challenge?”

Seek Community Support

Share your vision with trusted friends or a mentor. Ask them to hold you accountable and provide support as you strive to live from your future self.

Implement Daily Affirmations

Memorize and recite verses that reinforce your identity in Christ. Craft and review statements that reflect the qualities and achievements of your future self. Reinforce these positive statements daily.

Reflect and Adjust

Regularly review your progress and adjust your actions as needed. Open your hands for God to give what is better and take what is lesser. Reflect on your journey and celebrate the small victories along the way.

By incorporating these practices, you not only clarify your vision but actively shape your present to align with your desired future. Such deliberate living brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment that transcends the constraints of past experiences and present circumstances.

Embrace the journey. Trust in the process. Most importantly, keep your eyes fixed on Christ as the author and protector of your faith. Allow Him to guide, redirect, and enliven your journey. Let Him expand your vision of what’s possible.